Jayne may appear self-possessed, yet she is circumspect. She keeps a keen eye upon the life of the garden and no detail escapes her attention. In spite of her sufficiency, domestic harmony is essential to her peace of mind.
Like those lonely watchmen who once patrolled the village at night, Jayne monitors the premises and the residents. She loves people and routine. She seeks regular confirmation that the rhythm of life is stable and ensures that her place at the garden remains constant. She desires equilibrium and wants the world to be unchanging. Jayne is the self-appointed guardian of the garden. She is assiduous and sets an example. She is the model of poise and master of the subtle persuasion necessary to maintain the harmony she craves.
Most of the time Jayne wants to be at home and stay at home. In her ideal world, she would not stray beyond the house or the garden (once she gets there). Everything she needs are either in those two places. These are her worlds. She cannot imagine what could be of interest beyond her personal utopia. Possessing a medieval mind-set, she thinks only the void lies beyond her known universe.